Hi people

Today i've a lot things to spill out
Bcs there's nobody understand my feelings
It really hurts me i swear :(

Lately ni tetiba perasaan cemburu ni muncul
Bila aku tengok dia lagi care dgn officemate yg lain
Aku jadi cemburu teruk but why?
Padahal aku yg pilih utk ignore dia
Ktorg pun takde declare apa2 and dia pun takde perasaan dkt aku
Kenapa mesti cemburu? Omg this is not funny tho

I try to hide this feelings on my face
Serious aku tak boleh nak sorok rasa cemburu ni
When i saw them together aku mesti tarik muka
This feelings really killed me inside sobs

Sometimes aku rasa nak berhenti kerja
Banyak sebab aku nak berhenti kerja
This feelings is one of the reason aku nak resigned
Everything dekat ofis tu aku rasa suck habis

Things become complicated when i can't make it simple
Babe i really down with all of this
Everything really hurt me inside :'(